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If you want to become a nurse, the NCLEX is an important exam that you must take before you are allowed to begin practicing. What exactly is required to take the NCLEX? Can you take the NCLEX without a nursing degree? Read on to find out more
There are two NCLEX exam types, the NCLEX-RN (registered nurse) and the NCLEX-PN (practical nurse). To take the NCLEX-RN, you will need an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in nursing. For the NCLEX-PN, you will need a degree in licensed practical nursing or licensed vocational nursing.
In some cases, if you have a degree in a related health science field and wish to get your master’s degree in nursing, you can take a special program to prepare you for your master’s degree. After this program, you’ll be eligible for the NCLEX
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The National Council Licensure Examination is a nationwide examination for the licensing of nurses in the United States and Canada since 1982 and 2015, respectively. There are two types, NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN. After graduation from a school of nursing, one takes the NCLEX exam to receive a nursing license.
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Get Genuine NCLEX Certification online taking the exam
BUY real registered NCLEX-RN Certificate online without exam | BUY NCLEX-PN certificate without exam | Get Genuine NCLEX certification online | NCLEX certificate certificatE FOR SALE
The National Council Licensure Examination is a nationwide examination for the licensing of nurses in the United States and Canada since 1982 and 2015, respectively. There are two types, NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN. After graduation from a school of nursing, one takes the NCLEX exam to receive a nursing license.
HOW TO PASS THE NCLEX FOR NURSES-The NCLEX or National Council Licensure Examination is the exam that nurses take to become licensed in the United States, Guam, North Mariana Islands, American Samoa, the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc develops and owns the examinations.
Becoming a nurse is a very wise decision for those who choose to enter this healthcare field. Nurses have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of each patient in which they come in contact. The industry is in desperate need of qualified, licensed nurses to help patients around the world. Students can earn their nursing degrees from a variety of educational institutions around the world. The best way to increase marketability as a nurse is to earn a nursing license after earning a nursing degree.
Some employers will hire nurses without licenses but the majority of them want someone who has proven their competence in nursing by taking a NCLEX examination. The fastest way for nurses to move up the career ladder of nursing is to earn a nursing license to prove that they have what it takes to be a success in the nursing field.
Not everyone who enters the nursing field has the skills to pass the NCLEX examinations so those who do should be proud that they represent the best of what the nursing industry has to offer. There are many resources available these days that can help students who are studying to take a NCLEX examination to have success. Attending nursing school and taking a NCLEX examination may not be easy but well worth it in the end.
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Types of NCLEX Exams
Nursing professionals have 2 options when it comes to taking the licensing examination. The NCLEX-PN and the NCLEX-RN are the two options. The NCLEX-PN is the examination that Licensed Practical Nurses take to become certified. The NCLEX-RN is the examination that nurses take to become registered nurses.
Students who plan to take the examination should know that there is a 5-hour maximum to complete the NCLEX-PN and 6-hours for the NCLEX-RN examinations. It is important that students pace themselves so that they can complete the examination within this timeframe. There will be a short tutorial before the test starts that will prepare them for what will happen during the examination.
The minimum number of questions on the NCLEX-RN examination is 75 but the maximum number of questions is 265. The minimum number of questions that test takers can expect on the NCLEX-PN is 85 and a maximum number of 205. After the examination the student must wait for their result. Usually 2–4 days the result is available online if the student wants to pay a fee to get it.
This result is unofficial and is available through the Pearson Vue website. There will be no score, just a pass or fail. For official results the student will have to wait 4 to 6 weeks for the result to arrive in the mail.
The pass rates for the NCLEX-PN during 2011 are as follows for nurses that were U. S. and internationally educated:
First Time (U.S. Educated) — 65,334 tested — 84.83% passed
Repeat (U.S. Educated) — 13,975 tested — 34.91 passed
First Time (Internationally Educated) — 755 tested — 45.56% passed
Repeat (Internationally Educated) — 855 tested — 18.42% passed
A total number of 80,949 nursing professionals took the NCLEX-PN examination in 2011 and 75.12% of those individuals passed the examination.
Real NCLEX Certificate Without Exam | NCLEX Certificates for Sale
The NCLEX exam is meant for those who want to become professional nurses after acquisition of a first degree in the nursing programs. It is a well known examination nation wide, needed to become either a registered nurse (NCLEX-RN) or a licensed practical nurse(lpn) (NCLEX-PN). The examinations are developed and also maintained by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).
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The pass rates for the NCLEX-RN during 2011 are as follows for first time nurses that were U. S. educated:
Diploma — 3,476 tested — 89.76% passed
Baccalaureate — 58,246 tested — 89.09% passed
Associate — 82,764 tested — 86.99% passed
Special Program or Invalid Codes — 97 tested — 71.13% passed
A total number of 144,583 nursing professionals took the NCLEX-RN examination for the first time in 2011 and 87.89% of those individuals passed the examination.
The pass rates for the NCLEX-RN during 2011 are as follows for the remaining nurses:
Repeat (U.S. Educated) — 27,458 tested — 55.78% passed
First Time (Internationally Educated) — 9,719 tested — 33.98% passed
Repeat (Internationally Educated) — 13,547 tested — 20.71% passed
A total number of 195,307 nursing professionals took the NCLEX-RN examination in 2011 and 76.04% of those individuals passed the examination.
The pass rates for the NCLEX-PN during 2011 are as follows for nurses that were U. S. and internationally educated:
First Time (U.S. Educated) — 65,334 tested — 84.83% passed
Repeat (U.S. Educated) — 13,975 tested — 34.91 passed
First Time (Internationally Educated) — 755 tested — 45.56% passed
Repeat (Internationally Educated) — 855 tested — 18.42% passed
A total number of 80,949 nursing professionals took the NCLEX-PN examination in 2011 and 75.12% of those individuals passed the examination.